Special Needs Blog Week in Review – Week of February 12 – 18, 2012

The Special Needs Blog Week in Review is a great way to quickly catch up on everything that appeared in the Special Needs Blog in the past week. It is a good way to make sure that you haven’t missed anything. You can scan through this list to search for blogs about whatever particular special needs your child happens to have. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup for the week went up on February 13, 2012. I would like to point out an episode done by The Coffee Klatch that is titled “NY Times Op Ed Gone Wrong – Ritalin Gone … Continue reading

Why Faith Makes All the Difference to Your Teen

Faith or religion may not be anything you talk about in your home or with your teenagers, but that doesn’t mean they don’t think about it. Teenagers are in the midst of asking important life questions, such as “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” These are spiritual quests, regardless of whether they’re thought of in a traditional religious sense. I believe that every person, whether self-identified as religious or not, has these spiritual thoughts. It’s why my counseling philosophy is called ‘whole-person’ – emotional, relational, physical, and spiritual. When you treat the whole person and address each of … Continue reading

The Case of the Drowned Sports Car

A man in Texas has been accused of intentionally driving his expensive sports car into three feet of salt water. It is claimed that he chose to do this so he could collect on a $2.2 million insurance policy. The man says that it was an accident. Doing something like that on purpose could be considered insurance fraud. In 2009, an man named Andy House, who is an auto dealer in Texas, owned a really expensive sports car. The car was a Bugatti Veryron EB. It is one of the most expensive types of sports cars in the entire world, … Continue reading

Why Princes Should Marry Commoners

Prince William, obviously, belongs to a well established Royal Family. His bride to be, Kate Middleton, does not come from royalty at all. One could say that Kate is a commoner. There are those who feel that the marriage between a person of royalty, and a person who is not from a royal family, will diminish the public image of the royal family. However, from a genetic perspective, this can only strengthen their future family line. Many genealogists will put together a medical family history. This is because there are a lot of diseases, disorders, and conditions that are genetically … Continue reading

Why Genealogy is a Great Hobby For Geeks

When you think about it, there are a lot of things about genealogy that make it the perfect hobby for geeks. Although genealogy once was considered a pass time for the elders to partake in, this is no longer the case. Perhaps all those television programs that have delved into genealogy are exactly what has increased the popularity of the hobby. In any case, genealogy is something that could very easily attract geeks. Now, before we go any further, let me make it clear that I am not picking on people who are geeks, or nerds, or whatever the proper … Continue reading

We’re Broke! Why Do We Need a Financial Planner? Part 2

Once you have made the commitment to achieving financial independence and have selected your advisor, the next step is the discovery interview. It is at this point that your planner will be attempting to ascertain how you feel about money. While that may sound pretty straightforward, money is a highly charged matter for most of us; it has come to represent many of the key structures of our lives—like security, safety, power, prestige, independence, and even love. In American society, money—how much we have, how we earn it, and how we spend it—has become a stand-in for our moral character. … Continue reading

Chores for Children

The other day, a mother told me that she doesn’t have her children do household chores. Her philosophy is that children are only young once, and she does not want to burden their childhoods with having to cook and clean. My children do perform chores. My three-year-old does what he can (putting his plate in the sink, helping his sister feed the pets, etc.). My daughter is responsible for feeding our pets twice each day, cleaning her own room, tidying up other areas of the house, and other chores that I sometimes ask of her. She is also learning how … Continue reading

Who is Zach Bonner and why is he Marching across America?

The other day when I was browsing the Internet, I ran across an article about Zach Bonner. Zach is a 12-year-old from Tampa, Florida, but he is no ordinary 6th grader. Zach has been giving and volunteering almost his entire life. He began doing volunteer work when he was just six-years-old by helping the children affected by Hurricane Charley. He collected supplies such as tarps and water in his little red wagon. By the age of seven, Zach and his mom decided to create their own organization, Little Red Wagon Foundation, to help children in poverty and raise awareness of … Continue reading

Are School Gardens Leading Children Astray?

I was a little coldish today. Nothing serious, but we stayed home for the morning instead of going to preschool. My daughter played in the garden, blowing bubbles, looking for snowdrops, and trying out her kid-sized skateboard. She was delighted. It was a beautiful day, and later on she went out into our front yard and picked a couple of primulas, excited about the smell. Am I doing wrong by letting her play in the garden instead of going to preschool? According to all of my common sense, no. She’s getting fresh air, free play time, and physical activity. According … Continue reading

Why Black Friday Shopping and Kids Don’t Mix

What kind of parent takes his/her children shopping on Black Friday morning? I posed that question last year in a blog and got a variety of answers. Personally, I wouldn’t dream of dragging my child out of bed at 3, 4, 5 a.m. on the day after Thanksgiving, so that she could sit in a cart while I tried to score deals on Christmas gifts. But that’s just me. Apparently, some parents don’t share the same philosophy. Take for example the Georgia couple that ditched their kids last week, so they could snag Black Friday deals. According to police, instead … Continue reading