What is Falling from the Sky?

There are weird things falling from the sky and no, my name is not Chicken Little. Last Monday, the people of Austin, Texas saw a fireball streaking through the sky. Most people might think it was a meteor, but the fireball was seen during the day. While that is not completely unheard of, it does seem to be fairly rare. And, it wasn’t mass hysteria – it was caught on video! The videographer, Eddie Garcia, said he didn’t know what it was, but it was “burning and falling really fast.” At first, officials thought it might be debris from when … Continue reading

Home Blog Month in Review: August

Did you have a good month? We seem to have packed an entire summer’s worth of activities in this past month. Now, it seems, it is back to school and time to get ready for autumn. Still, it is nice to look back toward warm sands and wearing shorts even as we will soon be crunching leaves and taking out the sweaters. August 1st Getting Out Grass Stains With summer in full swing, chances are that your family has been playing outdoors quite a bit. And with all of that outdoor play comes the grass stains, especially if you are … Continue reading

School Buildings – Is Yours Falling Apart?

The thought in most cases is that a building does not teach a child. Great teachers can be very effective and reach many children without fancy technology or elaborate classrooms. However, nice and safe environments are an important part of a child’s education. The president of the National Education Association recently sent out a memo to urge Americans to contact Congress about the needs of our schools. The needs referred to did not include things such as class size or highly qualified teachers. The needs involved were updated textbooks and technology, modern buildings, and cared for structures. In his message, … Continue reading

Warning: Falling Airplane Parts

Our neighbors to the west got a real travel scare this week… and they weren’t even on vacation. The St. Clair family is counting their blessings after part of a commercial airliner fell out of the sky and into their backyard. Luckily no one was injured. Still, the incident has left Judy St. Clair, who found the two-foot-long piece of metal stuck in her grass, shaken up. “I was coming out with the laundry basket to hang my laundry, and I noticed a piece of metal in my yard, a large, large piece of metal in my yard,” St. Clair … Continue reading

Is it Ever Ok to Bribe your Kids?

How do you get your children to do what you want them to? What do you do to encourage them to do certain things and to refrain from doing other things? Many parents have, at least sometimes, resorted to bribing their children. Is that necessarily a bad thing? Is it ever ok to bribe your kids? New findings reveal some interesting answers to these questions. First, it would be helpful to figure out what a bribe is (and what it isn’t). Author Ellen Perry points out that there is a continuum to be aware of. Motivation is one one end, … Continue reading

A Much Needed Family Outing Part II

Once we were inside the Mars exhibit, we began to learn about the many different of what would be required to go to Mars.  We learned about space toilets that have to work without gravity.  We learned about the terrain of Mars and its many “dust storms.” We discovered that both of our children would be too light to be able to walk on Mars.  We learned about how all the things required for a civilization to flourish on Mars would get to Mars. We learned about tight living quarters and dehydrated food.  We learned more than we really wanted … Continue reading

Jumping Ban

This just in: Trampolines are dangerous for kids. In other news, the sky is blue. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. Earlier today, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) announced that parents should ban trampolines from their backyards, as they could be potential death traps for kids. Citing nearly 100,000 serious injuries in 2009, the AAP issued the warning and noted that safety nets parents erect around the personal jumping devices do little to protect kids from harm. In fact, members of the AAP state that trampoline nets are often more of a detriment than a benefit because they … Continue reading

Baby Find: Sock Ons

One thing that always gets lost when it comes to babies is socks. Those cute little feet just cannot seem to keep socks on. I have had four babies and all lost half or more of their sock supply. No matter the sock, the style, the brand, those precious little feet just could not keep socks on. I would tire of hearing well meaning people say, “Oh your baby lost a sock.” I longed to raise my child in a jungle so this sock dilemma would be a thing of the past. Sadly, that was not to be our fate. … Continue reading

Millionaire Matchmaker Offends

If you have ever watched Patti Stanger on “Millionaire Matchmaker,” you know that she can be a bit gruff (and that is putting it nicely). Stanger has made a living offending her clients. She tells her millionaire clients what they are doing wrong, how they look wrong, what’s wrong with their house, and why they are attracting the wrong women. But this week, she went a little too far for some. She appeared on Bravo’s new talk show “Watch What Happens Live” last Sunday. Viewers called in to ask her advice, but one caller wasn’t quite prepared for what she … Continue reading

Space Insurance – The Final Frontier

It’s been more than a decade since the year 2000, and we still do not have flying cars. Instead, we have private companies that are working on creating space planes that will leave the Earth’s atmosphere. Obviously, this is rather risky, and therefore, requires a unique type of insurance policy. SpaceShipOne is the very first space plane that can leave the Earth’s atmosphere that was not created as part of a government program, or with government funds. Obviously, there would be extreme risks involved in flying what amounts to a spacecraft. SpaceShipOne has a $100 million insurance policy with Lloyd’s … Continue reading