Underappreciated Disney Films: Lilo & Stitch

Lilo: “We’re a broken family, aren’t we?” Nani: “No. Maybe a little. Maybe a lot. I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” Lilo: “We’re sisters, it’s our job. I like you better as a sister than as a mom. And you like me better as a sister than a rabbit, right?” Whenever I bring up 2002’s “Lilo & Stitch,” most people in the room immediately exclaim “I love that movie!” But despite that it doesn’t seem to get the same sort of attention as other beloved Disney films. Due to its relatively recent release, it’s not a movie most people grew … Continue reading

Actor’s Dog Mauls Man

It’s not exactly the news you want to hear when you are out enjoying a nice summer day — your dogs just mauled a man and now he’s dead. Unfortunately, that’s exactly the situation actor Ving Rhames is dealing with this morning. According to police, two dogs belonging to Rhames are suspected of having seriously injured the man who takes care of the actor’s home. Officers say they received a call yesterday morning by someone who said a dead body was on the front lawn of Rhames’ Brentwood home. When police responded they say they found the body of a … Continue reading