When Death Does You Part, Then What?

Have you and your spouse discussed your wishes for when death does you part? Wayne and I have. Sadly, extensively. I Coffin Shopped Till I Dropped (Literally) It all started when Wayne’s dad died. I went with him, his brother, and aunt to pick out a coffin. I freaked out. I had to leave the room full of caskets because I got so upset about the thought of being buried I nearly passed out. Cremation vs. Burial Later I told Wayne, “Whatever you do, don’t bury me. I don’t want to be put in a box.” “But I want you … Continue reading

Do You Ever Dream About Your Spouse’s Family?

The other night I had a really tender dream about Wayne’s dad. He passed away several years ago rather unexpectedly. He was still young too. Only 60 and as feisty as ever. As you might expect, it was a huge blow to Wayne. He was really close to his dad and was shocked by the sudden loss. However, only six days prior we had spent a wonderful week with him. Tom (Wayne’s dad), Grandma Pryor (Tom’s mom), Keith (Wayne’s brother), Peach (Wayne’s aunt), and Kevin and Jerry Jr. (Wayne’s cousins) had all flown out to Florida so we could go … Continue reading

It’s Never Enough: Cherishing Each Married Moment

What a week. My husband called his grandmother this past Sunday night to say hello. She informed him Helen’s husband, Vernon, had passed away and the funeral would be Tuesday. Helen is a very dear woman who’s one of Grandma’s cousins. She’s one of those always smiling, upbeat sorts who showers warmth and kindness on everyone she comes into contact with. Since she’s also older, closer to Wayne’s grandma’s age (mid-80s), I was under the impression she and Vernon had been married decades. Well, technically they had, 20 years, but I thought it was closer to 60+ like Grandma and … Continue reading

Tis The Season To Be Morbid

Halloween—it’s a holiday celebrated by the young and the young at heart. It’s also a holiday celebrated by those who have a morbid curiosity for all things ghoulish… or by those who are simply morbid. Surf the web and you’ll find a ton of Halloween related sites that allow you to predict the date of your death (all in fun of course). For example, on www.deathclock.com visitors are welcomed with the sadistic greeting: “I’m sorry, but your time has expired! Have a nice day.” To find the predicted date of your expiration you simply enter your date of birth, smoking … Continue reading