Update on DJ AM and Travis Barker

Both DJ AM and Travis Baker have been released from Doctors Hospital in Augusta, Georgia after their recent plane crash. That they even made it to the hospital seemed like a miracle in and of itself. In fact, on his Facebook page, DJ AM wrote “Adam Goldstein [real name] is the luckiest guy alive.” You can read more about the South Carolina plane crash in Michele’s blog, but DJ AM and Travis were the only two who survived – the pilot, co-pilot, and two other passengers died in the crash. Today, DJ AM (looking well for a guy who survived … Continue reading

Tragedy and Relationships

By now you have probably seen the video showing the horrific plane crash that claimed the lives of former Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker’s assistant, his bodyguard and the pilot and co-pilot on board the Learjet that exploded into a fireball in South Carolina late Friday night. Investigators announced yesterday that the pilot and co-pilot died from smoke inhalation and burns while Barker’s assistant, 29-year-old Chris Baker and bodyguard 25-year-old Charles Still were killed on impact when the plane they were in with the musician turned reality TV star and celebrity disc jockey DJ AM went skidding off a runway and … Continue reading

Celebrity Tragedy: Christian Brando

Okay, he is really not a celebrity, but Christian Brando’s name has been in and out of the news for years. It could not have been easy growing up as the son of a larger than life character such as Marlon Brando. And now Christian’s name is back in the news. Earlier this week, the 49-year-old Christian was admitted to the intensive care unit of the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center to be treated for pneumonia. An unidentified friend said Brando’s first child is “not doing very well. He has pneumonia with complications.” Christian was born in 1958, the product of … Continue reading

Group Apologies and Ethnic Shame?–No Thanks

The director of my daughters’ adoption agency in Seoul has issued an apology on behalf of Koreans for the actions of Seung-Hui Cho, the young man who killed 32 fellow students and faculty at Virginia Tech University last week. (Cho was a South Korean citizen but a legal resident of the US who came here at the age of eight.) The apology was disseminated by an American adoption agency in Virginia which partners with the Korean agency in placing Korean children for adoption in the US. My local newspaper featured a Korean-American state legislator issuing a public apology and a … Continue reading

Hamster Successfully Cohabitates with Snake

The best unlikely animal friends stories are the ones where predators and their prey ignore the call of nature and become buddies instead. I could fill this blog with such stories, or even just animal friendship stories, but I try to space it out. I couldn’t ignore this 2006 tale from Japan, however, that garnered international attention. BBC News has the details. Aochan is a two-year-old rat snake residing at the Mutsugoro Okoku zoo in Tokyo. He’s a bit of a picky eater; he rejected the frozen rats presented to him by the zookeepers. So instead, in the fall of … Continue reading

What I Believe-Families

In the past, Mormons have been known to have big families. I think the trend now isn’t so much 10-12 kids, but maybe more like 2-7. But regardless of how many kids you have, if you are Mormon, then you understand why families are so important. Everyone loves their families. Well, most people do. We know that they are the people that we feel most comfortable around. They are the ones that we enjoy spending time with, and I think as you get older, you really learn to appreciate your family from your childhood even more. But, once we start … Continue reading

More Fire Prevention Tips

Do you know all of the ways to prevent a fire from consuming your home or taking your life? Home fires can be absolutely devastating. A little knowledge know could prevent a real tragedy later. Many of these tips were suggested by State Farm Insurance. Here are some more tips on preventing fire and fire-related injury in the home. You might have heard of spontaneous combustion. Believe it or not, this is a very real hazard and can caused a fire in your home. To prevent spontaneous combustion, do not let oily or greasy rags collect. Even paint covered rags … Continue reading

Don’t Fall in Love with Potential

Marriages are successful when two spouses love each other for who they are, not what they might become. But it is so easy to fall into a relationship where you love your partner for their potential not for who or what they are. While people should grow together and be more than they were when you met them, this way of being can end in marriage tragedy. We have a family friend who is in a new relationship. The couple enjoys each other, and both partners are bright, intelligent and caring people. The problem here is that in some areas, … Continue reading

The Pleasure of a Romantic Movie

It is funny how things work out. Last night, my husband and I had a rare couple of hours to ourselves. It hasn’t been easy lately. With family and friends dropping over for the holidays, and me working in the evenings after dinner, we seem to keep missing some alone time. So back to last night. We collapsed on the couch together and before we could even consciously decide how we wanted to spend the rest of the evening, we got sucked into a movie on cable television. I got sucked in first when I turned the television on for … Continue reading

The Effect of Parents on Parenting

In the forum we’ve been discussing the effect our parents have on us and the way we raise our children. It makes interesting reading. The other day I finished reading ‘A Boy in Winter; by Maxine Chernoff. This book raises more questions than it answers. In it, a child accidentally shoots another child with a bow and kills him. It ends up telling the story through the eyes of Danny, the boy who did the shooting, Nancy his mother and Frank the father of the boy who had been shot and also Nancy’s lover. In the course of the story … Continue reading