The Best Little Monkeys in the World – Natalie Standiford

The Best Little Monkeys in the World by Natalie Standiford is a “Step into Reading” book, recommended for 1st through 3rd graders. The charming plot and illustrations also make it a great book to read aloud. Marvin and Mary are too little monkeys who live in a house on stilts in the jungle. Their parents are going out and have asked a teenaged monkey named Judy to babysit for them. Mary and Marvin are excited because Judy lets them do anything they want. Their mother tells them to be good; Judy assures her that her children are “the best little … Continue reading

Must See TV: “The Office” Considers Expansion and Whale Attacks Man

Good news for fans of NBC’s “The Office.” The mega-popular TV comedy is looking to expand. According to TV Guide, network execs are reportedly planning to introduce new characters to the world of Dunder Mifflin; characters that may end up spinning off from the original series and getting their own show. TV Guide is reporting that a “major” Hollywood name is being considered for the lead role in the new series. While the brass at the peacock network has not released an official statement, insiders say producers are already prepping an “Office” episode that will introduce the new characters to … Continue reading

The Wonderful World of Live TV

Did you watch “Real Time with Bill Maher” last night? If you did then you were given a glimpse of what can happen when you shoot a TV show in front of a live audience. For those of you who missed it, political commentator Bill Maher revealed to audience members last night that he could possibly have a second career as a security guard. The comedian pulled double duty when a rowdy protester infiltrated his studio during his weekly HBO show while cameras were rolling. The comedian was in the middle of a weekly panel discussion when someone from the … Continue reading

Leading By Example

Today there are some more things to add to the parenting list. We all want to raise emotionally well adjusted children. Sometimes that means we have to make the unpopular choice and sometimes it means we have to do things that take us out of our comfort zone. Our kids are worth it. When you are spending time with your kids, be with them, ignore the phone, TV and computer, focus on your children. As a single parent your time is valuable, make sure they time they get is worthwhile. Set boundaries, learn to say no and mean it. Discipline … Continue reading

Celebs React to Dick Clark’s Death – Part 1

Dick Clark was an icon of American pop culture and his passing has been on the minds of many lately. How is Hollywood reacting? Ryan Seacrest, who seems poised to be Clark’s pop culture heir apparent, tweeted, “I am deeply saddened by the loss of my dear friend Dick Clark. He has truly been one of the greatest influences in my life. I idolized him from the start, and I was graced early on in my career with his generous advice and counsel. When I joined his show in 2006, it was a dream come true to work with him … Continue reading

Bill Maher, Tim Tebow, and Jesus

I don’t watch football, but I have more or less been forced to know who Tim Tebow is because everyone is talking about him. Plus, you can’t really surf the Internet without seeing someone tebowing. Tebowing is the act of dropping to one knee and praying thusly named such after Tim Tebow. As the starting quarterback for the Denver Broncos, Tebow performs this gesture to thank God for his success during games. And tebowing has taken off like crazy, with videos and photos of people tebowing popping up all over the Internet. But, this week, Bill Maher came under fire … Continue reading

October 2010 General Conference-My Favorite Talk

General Conference is a wonderful time of year. Living in UT, we get to sit at home in our pajamas and watch conference on TV. Since I have very young children at home, this can be challenging to do. I get bits and pieces of the talks, and always vow that I will re-read them, and really ponder them during a quiet moment. Usually, I don’t get that quiet moment, or do not really think about it again. But, this time, I want to re-visit these talks and blog about some that I felt were particularly poignant to me personally … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Entertainment and the Media

The Thirteenth Article of Faith states that we seek after “anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy.” Basically, we want to be culturally aware and find good things to watch, listen to, and attend. As the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet states, Satan uses some entertainment to dull our spirits and make us think that “what is wrong and evil look[s] normal and exciting.” These days you have to wade through all the junk on TV and the contorted messages portrayed through the media to find uplifting entertainment. But knowing your own personal values and standards (like … Continue reading

Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving with Your Spouse

How do you normally celebrate Thanksgiving? Do you stuff yourself on the traditional turkey fare? Once stuffed, do you then collapse in front of the TV to half nap, half watch football? Do you rush between houses to see all branches of the family tree? Or does your whole family gather in one place and play games, like perhaps a friendly match of touch football? Last year Wayne and I went to Denver, where our families both live, and caught up with everyone. That was a big deal for us, because most years we’re pretty low key. Either we get … Continue reading

Marriage Takes Effort

While there are those out there that will say that their marriage is effortless and that their love for their spouse comes so easy that it is always marital bliss, I would have to say that most marriages differ. Marriage is not always easy, especially marriages with children. There are times when your spouse will drive you crazy. There are times when you may even doubt your decision of saying “I do”. However, this is all a natural part of learning to be in a relationship. Marriage takes effort. Never go into a marriage thinking that it will all be … Continue reading