Ask a Baby Blogger: Just How Do You Do It?

The question reads: I don’t know how you survive as a homeschooling mom with 5 children under the age of 7! How do you ever get out? How do you give everyone enough attention? How can you keep your house clean or attend to your husband? I only have one and am completely overwhelmed. Seriously—just how do you do it? I chuckle as I read this question because I promise you that if you saw my house with books stacked high in places that are NOT the bookshelf—that would answer at least part of your question. I almost didn’t respond … Continue reading

That Stinks!

Nothing gets by my 2-year-old daughter’s nose. When foul odors abound, her nose knows. “That stinks!” she’ll exclaim in a voice loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear. Given her opposition to all things smelly, I think we’ll be steering clear of China (specifically taxi cabs in Beijing) for a while. According to Chinese news reports, a political adviser in Beijing is taking aim at stinky cabs. The adviser says too many taxi drivers are sleeping and eating in their cabs and the result is a funk that’s driving customers away. Chinese officials say they are concerned the smelly … Continue reading

Missing You

We’ve been running around all day. We had a blast, but we barely had a chance to sit down and breathe. By the time we finally got home Logan went straight to his dad’s, which was fine because I had a lot of cleaning to catch up on from the last couple of days. I ran from one thing to the next trying to hurry and get everything done before my little munchkin got home. As we were sitting in bed reading bedtime stories tonight he said, “Mommy, when I’m at Dad’s I miss you.” My little heart melted and … Continue reading

How to Evaluate a Genealogy App Review

Genealogy and computer technology have become intertwined in many ways. There are plenty of genealogy apps out there. How can you tell a good one from one that isn’t as useful? Here are some tips about how to evaluate a genealogy app review. You just read a review about a new, shiny, interesting sounding, genealogy app. Before you make the purchase, or download an app that is free, there are some basic factors that you should consider. Taking the time to consider these factors could be the difference between finding a great genealogy app, and getting stuck with a genealogy … Continue reading

Those Rocky Moments

A friend recently reminded me to not take things my teen says personally. It was good advice but hard to receive. You can never really be prepared for those sometimes rocky moments that happen between a parent and a teenager. They can come out of nowhere, leaving you to wonder what just happened. In the midst of the chaos however, as a parent there are some things we need to remember. In addition to the advice of not taking things personally, we should also remember these things… Teens sometimes say things they don’t really mean Teens sometimes speak out of … Continue reading

Be Proud Of Your Accomplishments

I’m on kind of a rant tonight, I heard something that has just made me see red. I live in Utah, which is a wonderful place, I love it here, but what I heard today has made me mad. It seems that the schools don’t want the graduating seniors to talk about what colleges they got accepted to or what scholarships they received. Why, you ask? Because it may make the other students feel bad. Are you kidding me? I’m typing this and I’m stunned. I am all for protecting our children from what we can protect them from and … Continue reading

Bouncing Back from Bad Credit

A bad credit rating can have multiple aspects of your life if you are not careful. While most people are well aware that a bad credit score can make it impossible to secure a loan, there is also a litany of other negatives associated with a dismal credit report. For example, even if you are able to secure a loan from a financial institution, if you have bad credit, you will likely be forced to pay a much higher interest rate. In some cases you may also be hit with fees because lenders consider you a risk. In addition to … Continue reading

The Lost Art of Handwriting

My daughter is brilliant, charming, athletic, scrumptiously cute… but not perfect. Despite all of her wonderful qualities (which surely she inherited from her mother… ahem!), she has some issues. It’s not her choice in music that I am referring to; rather, it’s her penmanship. My second grader’s handwriting leaves a lot to be desired. I’d flat out say it stinks, but she’s seven, so time is on her side. What’s more, I don’t want to deal with her wrath if there ever comes a day that she actually reads this post. Anyway, back to her pathetic penmanship. I could blame … Continue reading

Faking It

When you are divorced not every day is a happy one. In fact, some days are just plain hard! Especially in the beginning, it can be difficult not to let your children see how much you are hurting, how much you just don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. They are likely going through their own set of emotions that they are trying to sort out. If they see you moping around it only gives them one more thing to worry about. You have to be so careful about how much you let them see. Sometimes you’re … Continue reading

Make a List and Check It Twice

Now that Thanksgiving is over and the countdown to Christmas is officially underway, it’s time to fine-tune your list-making skills. This is especially important if you are a parent. The holidays can add even more stress to an already busy life juggling kids, career and a home. Still, no parent wants the season to slip by without making lasting memories with their children. Participating in Christmas-themed activities with your kids is a great way to bring the holiday to life and underscore the true reason for the season. The following are just a few of the many fun and meaningful … Continue reading