Celebrity Updates—More Imus Fallout, Scotty Blasts Off, and More

MORE IMUS FALLOUT If you thought that the furor that erupted over Don Imus’ demeaning remarks used to describe the Rutgers University’s women’s basketball team is over—-think again. Yesterday, more than 400 people attended a discussion titled “Does Hip-Hop Hate Women?” at the University of Chicago. (Imus had attempted to keep his radio-job earlier this month by claiming that rappers routinely “defame and demean black women” and call them “worse names than I ever did.”) Of those who participated in the discussion, some criticized music executives (who met earlier this month in New York) for failing to use their collective … Continue reading

New Gigs for Lindsay, Fred and Simon

Don’t call it a comeback… I would, but Lindsay Lohan might not take kindly to reference in regards to her acting career. Fresh off her stint in the murderous movie “Chapter 27,” the 21-year-old rehab queen has just confirmed that she will be starring in the new flick “Manson Girls.” E! Online is reporting that Lohan will play one of Manson’s cult followers, Nancy Pitman. Her new gig is in addition to her work recording a new album and costarring in the upcoming Jack Black movie, “Ye Olde Times.” Now that his run for the president is over Fred Thompson … Continue reading

Shatner Gets The Shaft

Star Trek fans brace yourselves… the original Capt. Kirk won’t be taking flight on the starship Enterprise this time round. In news that was as shocking to Trekkies as it was to “Kirk,” producers of the new “Star Trek” movie recently announced that actor William Shatner will not appear in the upcoming production. “I couldn’t believe it. I’m not in the movie at all.” Shatner told news reporters a few days ago. “I thought, what a decision to make, since it obviously is a decision not to make use of the popularity I have to ensure the movie has good … Continue reading

“Star Trek” Star Turned Heavenly Body

You know that you have really reached star status when you get an asteroid named after you. Just ask “Star Trek” actor George Takei. An asteroid between Mars and Jupiter has just been renamed 7307 Takei in honor of the actor whom many of us known best for playing Hikaru Sulu in the original “Star Trek” series and movies. “I am now a heavenly body,” Takei told reporters upon hearing about the honor. “I found out about it yesterday. … I was blown away. It came out of the clear, blue sky – just like an asteroid.” The 70-year-old actor … Continue reading

If The Shoe Fits

I would venture to guess that most Americans have donned a pair of Nike shoes at some point in their lives. I completed three marathons wearing Nike running shoes. The particular shoe I wear addresses my needs as a severe over-pronator. But, as I’m sure you are well aware Nike offers dozens of different styles of athletic shoes, and now their latest creation is making headlines. For the first time in the company’s history it has created a shoe specifically for American Indians. Designers say they did so in an effort to promote physical fitness in the population that is … Continue reading

Sunday Travel Funnies: Someone’s Not Laughing

Not everyone gets to ride to work in a space shuttle (though more and more people are getting to blast off after they die) so it stands to reason that when NASA gets ready to send astronauts into orbit the media comes out in full force. Recently, though, having all eyes on the launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center proved a bit embarrassing for the space agency. A few days ago the spacecraft Endeavour was moved out on the launch pad amidst pomp, circumstance and a huge banner that read “Go Endeavor.” A festive touch… only the shuttle’s name … Continue reading

Star Trek’s Scotty Goes Missing

We all know that space travel can be risky. After all, at least for me, the disasters of the Challenger and the Columbia are etched in my memory. But, you would think, if you were dead and having your ashes sent up into space, things might go smoothly. But, that is not necessarily the case. Michele and I have written a couple of blogs about the ashes of actor James Doohan being shot up into space in a rocket. Now, this is nothing new. Each year, many people pay ($495 each) to have their ashes taken into space on a … Continue reading