Iron Man Does Well at the Box Office

Let me start this blog by saying that I am not a big fan of superheroes. Yes, I went and saw several of the Superman, Batman, and Spiderman movies, but it was never without a date. My husband made me sit through Van Helsing and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and they were okay. I will watch a superhero movie once without much fuss, but don’t expect me to ever see it again. It has just never been my thing and at the age I am now, I don’t expect that to ever change. However, I am now convinced the … Continue reading

Dudley Do-right (1999)

Have you ever been struck so speechless that you just had to sit there with a really vacant look on your face until you figured out what was going on? I had that experience just the other night, watching “Dudley Do-right” with my husband. We watched “George of the Jungle” together a few weeks ago and laughed our heads off. Although “Dudley” was made in the same format, with the wry announcer, silly slapstick, and the same star, it was nowhere near George’s caliber. We all recall the old Dudley cartoon from the days of “Rocky and Bullwinkle.” Dudley is … Continue reading

A Jumpstart For Summer Blockbusters

If you are a film buff who is already counting the days until the debut of the much-anticipated summer movie season then you’ll enjoy hearing the following news. According to NBC’s website, an exclusive preview of “Spider-Man” 3 is set to air during the network’s primetime show “Heroes” this week. The commercial will also invite Spidey fans to visit the network’s site to see seven minutes of never-before-seen film footage. “Spider-Man 3” is considered one of the summer’s most anticipated movies along with “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End,” which will debut its trailer during the “Dancing with the … Continue reading

This Year’s Academy Awards

This Sunday is the 79th Annual Academy Awards. This year’s host will be Ellen Degeneres. I like Ellen – I think she is funny. I never cared to watch her talk show because I like her more as a stand up comedian, but I think she should fit in well as host. This is her first appearance as an Oscar host. As I started searching, I realized we had tons of blogs on Oscar’s previous hosts, previous winners, and this year’s nominees. Check some of these out: Blogs about former Oscar hosts: Chris Rock Chris Rock: Brooklyn’s Own Stand-Up … Continue reading

Oscar: Whatever Happened To…

It has to be one of the biggest if not THE biggest night of your life as an actor – the night you win an Academy Award. You are a media darling – at least temporarily. Unfortunately, Hollywood has the memory of a gnat, so fame is often fleeting. Here are some Oscar winners that you may or may not have heard from lately: Roberto Benigni Who can forget Roberto crazily leaping into his seat when he won his Oscar in 1998? But, who remembers what he has done since? His follow up to Life is Beautiful, 2002’s Pinocchio, which … Continue reading