Meghan McCain Follows in Jenna Bush’s Footsteps

Her father has yet to secure the job presently held by George W. Bush (though he’s gunning for it), but that’s not stopping Meghan McCain from trying to emulate current first daughter Jenna Bush. Meghan McCain, the daughter of Republican presidential candidate Senator John McCain just announced that like Jenna Bush she is author material and will be writing a children’s book. “I am truly excited about the opportunity to write a children’s book about my father, who is not only a fantastic dad, but also a great American,” the 23-year-old said in a statement earlier this week. Meghan McCain’s … Continue reading

Jenna Bush Sets a Wedding Date and Britney Tries to get Pregnant-—AGAIN

It’s not easy putting together a wedding in less than four months, but I have a feeling Jenna Bush won’t have a problem pulling it off. Ah, the perks of being the first daughter. While it hasn’t been officially confirmed by the White House, published reports say the 26-year-old twin daughter of President Bush will marry her fiancé Henry Hager on May 10th in Texas. So much for a White House wedding… According to sources, Jenna Bush is planning a small wedding to be held at the president’s ranch in Crawford, Texas. By choosing the gated, 1,600-acre Prairie Chapel ranch, … Continue reading

Jenna Bush–The Author

One of the president’s daughters is getting a new title–author. According to news reports, 25-year-old Jenna Bush has written her first book, Ana’s Story: A Journey of Hope. The book, which will be published this fall, is not political in nature. Rather, Bush says it tells the story of a 17-year-old single mother who is living with HIV. In an interview with news reporters, Bush said she met the subject of her book while she was working as an intern for UNICEF in Panama. (Prior to the move Bush was a public school teacher in Washington, D.C.) In fact, Bush … Continue reading

How Did They Land That Gig?

I suppose when you are a celebrity the world is your oyster and therefore you needn’t ask if you will get to embark on a particular project (no matter how far fetched it may be), but rather, you wonder when the job will be yours. Such is the case with the following stars who are attempting to cross over to different public mediums, though whether they will be successful in doing is still up in the air. TIM MCGRAW Tim McGraw already has legions of Texas two-stepping fans and multiple Grammys to validate his career, but now he’s reaching out … Continue reading

Preparing For A White House Wedding

Now that the world knows President Bush’s daughter Jenna is engaged to marry her boyfriend Henry Hager, bets are being made on whether the affair will take place in the White House. Just in case you missed it, the White House announced yesterday that President Bush and First Lady Laura Bush are adding to the family: “President and Mrs. George W. Bush are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Jenna Bush, to Mr. Henry Hager, son of the Honorable and Mrs. John H. Hager of Richmond, Virginia,” the White House said in a statement. “Miss Bush and Mr. … Continue reading

The First Lady’s First Children’s Book

Tack on a new line to first lady Laura Bush’s resume: children’s book author. According to news reports, the former public school teacher and librarian is collaborating with her daughter Jenna on a picture book for kids, which is due to be released early next year. Bush, known for her love of books told reporters that authoring the new venture is a dream come true, especially since it will be a family affair. “I am delighted to have the opportunity to partner with one of my favorite teachers, my daughter Jenna, to write a children’s book – and to have … Continue reading

Boy Bander’s New Title

Former ‘N Sync hottie (and onetime aspiring cosmonaut) Lance Bass has a new gig—–book author. Apparently, the heartthrob is making like Jenna Bush and penning a new book, but unlike the first daughter’s foray into the literary world, Bass plans to make his a tell all. According to news reports, the 27-year-old plans to reveal “all about his life, his music and his sexuality.” The memoir, entitled, Out of Sync, will hit stores in October. But, for those of you who can’t wait that long the book’s publisher provided a sneak peak of what will be covered in the pages. … Continue reading