Jackson Browne Sues John McCain

It often seems that musicians and politicians have a love/hate relationship. I already blogged about campaign songs certain politicians have chosen which might have not been the best choices had they thought the song all the way through. John McCain seems to be making bad campaign song choices left and right this year. Not just in lyrics, but just in general. He used John Melloncamp’s song “Pink Houses” earlier this year. On the surface, the song sounds okay, but if you dig deeper, it talks about dreams that are never fulfilled. In addition, Melloncamp himself contacted the McCain camp and … Continue reading

How Not to Tick Off David Letterman

A.) Make sure your name is not John McCain and B.) Never, ever cancel a “Late Show” appearance at the last minute. It’s a lesson Republican presidential hopeful John McCain learned the hard way last night when he dissed David Letterman for Katie Couric. Did you see it? In classic Letterman style the often-irritable late-night talk show host spent much of his time on air unloading on McCain for standing him up. Bail on Letterman? Talk about stupid human tricks. According to Letterman, McCain personally called the comedian just hours before he was supposed to show up to tape an … Continue reading

Babs to Sing for Barack

Long time Democrat Barbra Streisand will perform at a fund-raising event for presidential hopeful Barack Obama. The event will be held at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, which can hold up to 700 people, later this month. The evening will kick off with a dinner at the historic Greystone Mansion. If you would like to attend, you will need to cough up $28,500 per ticket. The event will be co-hosted by Hollywood heavyweights Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen and Andy Spahn, a political consultant. (Photo Source Library of Congress. New York World-Telegram & Sun Collection.) It should come as … Continue reading

Politicians in Trouble Again for Song Use

It seems that both the Democrats and the Republicans in this important election year just cannot catch a break with popular song use. Time after time, either a politician has been ridiculed for not taking the entire content of the lyrics of a song into consideration or they have been told to quit using a song by the artist or band. Today, I read that Heart is angry that their ‘70s hit “Barracuda” is being used as an unofficial theme song for current Alaska governor and hopeful vice president of the United States, Sarah Palin. I read in this week’s … Continue reading