Kris Allen and Adam Lambert’s Bromance

This week, “American Idol” runner up Adam Lambert shocked no one (except maybe a few tweens) when he announced in a Rolling Stone magazine interview that he was gay. Personally, I applaud Adam, Hollywood Life’s Young Hollywood Awards Artist of the Year, for not overshadowing the finale with his announcement and for also not waiting for years to announce the obvious, like former “American Idol” runner-up Clay Aiken. Adam said he had not regrets about coming clean with his sexuality and was happy with the magazine cover and title (“The Liberation of Adam Lambert”). If you watched the finale of … Continue reading

Is there a Kris Allen Scandal Brewing?

If you watched the season finale of “American Idol,” you may have been shocked that low keyed, humble Kris Allen beat Adam Lambert, the obvious forerunner since – well, about the first day on the big stage. Oddly enough, Kris Allen was surprised when Kris Allen was named the newest American Idol. Now, the New York Times thinks Allen had a little extra help from AT&T in winning the title. Some fans in Arkansas could use their mobile phones to cast blocks of votes for Allen. However, AT&T didn’t provide the same option for Lambert’s fans. Maybe AT&T thought he … Continue reading