Harry Houdini’s Life – Part I

I fell in love with Houdini when I saw Tony Curtis portray him in the 1953 film “Houdini.” I don’t know if it was young, handsome Tony Curtis that attracted me or the story itself, but from that moment on, I have been in love with Harry Houdini. When my husband and I went to Vegas for the first time, I made him walk down the Strip in 100 degree plus weather to see the Houdini Museum. When we got there, it was a small room, but I was not disappointed. Just seeing Houdini items was an incredible thrill. Houdini … Continue reading

Actor Tony Curtis and Comedian Greg Giraldo Die

Hollywood lost two big talents this week. Screen legend Tony Curtis died Wednesday at his Las Vegas home of a cardiac arrest. He was 85. Curtis grew up in the Bronx and tragedy followed him throughout his childhood. The family was poor, briefly giving the children to an orphanage because they couldn’t feed them. His older brother Julius was killed at age 12 when he was hit by a truck, and both his mother and younger brother Robert suffered from schizophrenia. Curtis dropped out of high school to join the Navy during WWII. Once out of the military, Curtis decided … Continue reading

Penn, Teller, & James Randi

Last Friday, I watched “Don’t Forget the Lyrics.” I love trying to get the lyrics correct on this game show, but usually, I record it and fast forward through the unnecessary dialogue that occurs. I mean really, did Monty Hall have to do contestant family reunions to get ratings? Would Chuck Woolery have stalled like Howie Mandel does? No. But, this past week was a special charity episode featuring illusionists Penn &Teller. I’ve written about Penn & Teller before because they are not only amazing illusionists, but also hilarious. Because of this, I decided to watch the entire show. Penn … Continue reading

Just in Time for Halloween: NBC’s “Phenomenon”

Just in time for the Halloween season, NBC has released information on their upcoming reality show “Phenomenon.” The show will search for the next great mentalist. If you are not sure, think Criss Angel and Uri Geller, who just happen to be on the panel of experts for “Phenomenon.” Tom Vincent of “Access Hollywood” will be the host. Geller, famed since the 70s for being able to bend spoons with his mind and Angel, who has his own show of A&E, which features his “mind tricks,” will carefully look at the ten contestants: Jan Bardi – Bardi’s career has been … Continue reading

Just Who is Ricky Jay?

Michele just mentioned all the stars that attended Steve Martin’s impromptu wedding… Tom Hanks, Diane Keaton, Eugene Levy, Carl Reiner and Ricky Jay. You may be thinking “Ricky who?” I know of Ricky Jay only because he has been featured in several of my favorite movies (Magnolia, Boogie Nights, Heist), but Ricky is far more than just a character actor. He is sort of a throw back to the vaudevillians of yesterday. He is a magician/illusionist, a sleight of hand expert and can do the most incredible things with a deck of cards. Ricky is actually listed in the Guinness … Continue reading

There Was No Joy In Kittentown…

Confession time: I am guilty of the crime of creative cat diapering. My friend Jenny recently got a lovely black kitten named Zoe. After a few months, it came time for Zoe to get spayed — among other things, spaying fights overpopulation, helps reduce the risk of running away and some diseases of the reproductive organs. Zoe came through her surgery with flying colors, and was soon feeling well enough to start messing with her cone. Also known as an Elizabethan collar, the plastic cone helps prevent a pet from accessing the surgical site and stitches. Instinct tells your pet … Continue reading

5 Notorious Moments of Saturday Night Live

I’ve been blogging about people banned from ever appearing on Saturday Night Live again, but in this blog, I will talk about some of the most notorious moments in this long running (31 years!) comedy show. 5. Chevy Chase’s Fall In the season premiere of 1976, Chevy Chase, playing then President Gerald Ford, took a pratfall into a podium. Unfortunately for Chevy, the podium wasn’t padded and he missed the next two episodes due to injuries. 4. John Belushi Hits Buck Henry with a Sword In one of his famous Samurai skits, John Belushi accidentally gashed Buck Henry’s forehead with … Continue reading