Movie Review: Gentleman’s Agreement

I love finding correlations to life in all my experiences, be it in overhearing a conversation or watching a movie. Everything can be taken as a lesson, and if we’re willing to look beneath the layers, we learn so much. This was further brought home to me the other night as I sat watching the classic movie “Gentleman’s Agreement” with Gregory Peck and Dorothy McGuire. The premise of the movie in and of itself was thought-provoking: Peck, starring as Skyler Green, is a journalist tasked to write a series on anti-Semitism. He struggles for a time to get the angle … Continue reading

To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee

One of the most beloved novels of all time, “To Kill a Mockingbird” is the story of Scout Finch, a six-year-old girl being raised by Atticus, her widowed father, along with Jem, her ten-year-old brother. They have a housekeeper, Calpurnia, who keeps them on the straight and narrow most of the time, and these children have a secure foundation which puts them in good stead to weather some of the trials they’re going to face during the course of the story. It all begins, really, with Boo Radley. The Radley house is just down the street from the Finches, and … Continue reading