Pets and Dating

Did you see that movie — Must Love Dogs? A lot of pet parents get concerned when they enter the dating scene: will my special someone accept my pets? Will my pets like the person I’m dating? Winning over your special someone’s pets may or may not be easy — but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. I’m a “love me, love my pets” sort of person. If my dogs Moose and Lally aren’t appealing or at least tolerable, you’re going to have to find someone else to date. There’s no chance I’m going to abandon my dogs (who’ve been … Continue reading

Looking For Love?

The world is filled with creative people who become the masterminds behind some of today’s hottest innovations. You’ve heard of online dating sites where singles looking for love use the Internet as a means to find Mr. or Ms. Right. (Fabulous idea—it makes millions.) While the sites have worked for some, others are less fortunate. And, it’s no surprise. Examine any one of the many Internet dating sites out there you will notice flaws in the system. The most obvious—there’s no embellishment filter. Enter another ingenious person—someone has come up with a way to help online daters who suffer disappointment … Continue reading