Re-Evaluating Your Cold Weather Fashion

The only upside of having to endure this week’s brutally bitter, inhumane winter temperatures (we’re talking 30 below wind chills, folks) is that families can score cheap food from McDonald’s. Thanks to Ronald’s “Cold Days, Hot Deals” promotion, parents can save some cash by purchasing one Big Mac at the regular price and getting the second for the price of the previous day’s noon temperature. For example, if the mercury only gets up to 3 degrees today, then tomorrow, the price of a second Big Mac will be a mere 3 cents. What’s more, if the mercury doesn’t climb above … Continue reading

Embrace the Baggy

“No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers’ dirty looks.” School’s out for the summer in my neck of the woods, and for my recently graduated first grader and the rest of her classmates, it means freedom from their starchy red, white and blue uniforms. “I’m wearing shorts and slippers all summer!” my daughter declared last night. Better than nothing at all. I understand my child’s desire to frolic in non-restrictive clothing, but you still won’t catch her strolling to the park in shorts that expose her underwear. I’m not about the baggy. In fact, I’ve been rather outspoken … Continue reading

Parents as Fashion Police

From the pool… back to school. Summer is rapidly coming to an end (sigh) and soon parents will be less worried about whether their daughter’s swimsuits are too tight and more concerned about whether their son’s pants are too baggy. Right now many of us are smack in the middle of that dreaded annual ritual—back to school shopping. Besides gathering the right shopping lists for each child and calculating how our household budgets will accommodate new pens, pencils, backpacks, socks, shoes, pants, tops and haircuts most parents are faced with the additional role of acting as fashion police. Who among … Continue reading

Pop Culture Potpourri: Fashion Disaster and Cable Gets Cut

This sue happy world just gets more ridiculous by the minute… If you tuned into NBC’s “Today” show yesterday you likely know where I’m going with this blog. A woman in California who apparently loves (or perhaps more accurately lovED) Victoria’s Secret has filed a lawsuit with the lucrative lingerie company after she claims a faulty staple linking a jeweled-heart embellishment to a pair of her thong underwear seriously injured her eye. According to Marcrida Patterson, she suffered permanent damage to her cornea after an allegedly defective “low-rise v-string” (part of Victoria’s Secret’s “Sexy Little Thing” line) flew apart and … Continue reading

Fashion Files: Winning Dress Revealed and Paris Does China

Just in time for the holidays you can look runway ready in a dress that made its debut on national television. “Project Runway” contestant Victorya Hong made history on last week’s episode when actress Sarah Jessica Parker chose her super short dress to appear as part of her Bitten line sold at Steve & Barry stores nationwide. The “Sex and the City” star was the week’s guest judge on the Bravo reality show about fashion and told viewers that Hong’s design was by far the best one of the group. Hong (who was paired with Kevin Christiana) and the other … Continue reading

Fashion Forward: Wedgie-Proof Underwear

Forget about Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger and Donna Karan, the hottest fashion designers on the block these days are 8-year-old twin boys. If you tuned into “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” last week you might be familiar with Justin and Jared Serovich’s fashion forward creation—-wedgie-proof underwear also known as the “Rip Away 1000.” The boys rigged boxer shorts and fabric fasteners to hold together some seams—and voila—instant protection from underwear grabbing bullies. “When the person tries to grab you and tries to give you a wedgie – they just rip away,” Justin explained to DeGeneres. The third graders say they came … Continue reading

Hallelujah – Saggy Pants are Out!

Okay, the kids may still think saggy pants are cool, but many cities are starting to crack down on them. This is a part of our pop culture fashion I have never understood. I hate to be somewhere and see a boy with the waistline of his pants down under his hips. First of all, I have never quite figured out how they could walk like that and still manage to halfway hold their pants up. Second of all, it really is not very attractive. And most of all – it is a fashion statement that was born in prison. … Continue reading

Back To School Fashion Trends

I ran over to the mall this morning to get a new battery for my watch. BIG mistake. I would guess that every intermediate and high school student in the county was there buying new outfits to wear to the first day of school tomorrow. Growing up I went to Catholic school, so needless to say, my summers weren’t spent doing the mall crawl searching for the perfect back to school ensemble. Rather, my mom spent the better half of the summer sewing school uniforms (navy blue slacks and skirts paired with white shirts and navy blue block knot ties). … Continue reading

Cracking Down On Baggy Pants

In previous blogs I’ve made fun of the baggy pants trend. Not that I find humor in seeing a stranger’s underwear, but in some cases baggy pants offenders learn their lessons the hard way and it’s hard not to crack smile. Okay, puns aside. The issue of baggy pants is serious business in places like Atlanta, Georgia where lawmakers want to put an end to the fashion trend made popular by teens. If city leaders get their way, baggy pants that reveal boxer shorts or thongs would be illegal under a proposed amendment to Atlanta’s indecency laws. The amendment states … Continue reading

Fashion Forward: Bulletproof Backpacks

Pencils. Check. Pens. Check. Notebooks. Check. Bulletproof backpack… Not exactly the type of item you want to see on your child’s back-to-school shopping list, but a couple of entrepreneurs from Boston think it should be there. If you thought a backpack’s main purpose was to be a fashion accessory, think again. Joe Curran, of My Child’s PackIt, says backpacks should serve multiple purposes, including acting as a weapon in the war against school violence. Curran started the bag company shortly after the shootings at Columbine in 1999. He and his buddy Mike Pelonzi say the idea for the bulletproof backpack … Continue reading