Crazy (But True) Christmas Tales

Holiday stress can drive even the most grounded individual a bit batty. This is well documented in the following incidents, which illustrate what happens to those who get caught up in the craziness of the crowds and the tick, tick, tick of the countdown-to-Christmas clock. Santa’s got nothing on a bunch of shoppers from Ohio. An electrical fire that broke out on Wednesday didn’t stop holiday shoppers from continuing to fill their carts. According to news reports, thick smoke filled a Dillards department store, but it didn’t deter deal hunters who wanted to pay for their merchandise before evacuating. Firefighters … Continue reading

Crazy Chiropractor?

I have always had a fascination with chiropractors. Not so much with the chiropractors themselves, more so with the “art” of back cracking. Yes, I know, trained professionals don’t like it when people refer to what they do as “back cracking.” I’m told the proper word is “adjustment.” Whatever, you want to call it, for some odd reason I get such enjoyment from hearing someone’s back crack. I feel like they are receiving relief from their pain, but I digress. This blog is about an Ohio chiropractor who claimed to treat patients using time travel… sound bizarre? It is. According … Continue reading


Snap!  Crackle!  Pop! It’s the sound I wake up to every morning and continue to hear throughout the day. And not because I gorge on Kellogg’s Rice Krispies. Nope. The crack-a-lackin is coming from my daughter’s… wait for it… back. Yes, my 8-year-old twists, turns, bends, bangs, and hangs her body in the most frightening ways imaginable to get her cracking fix. She claims her bizarre manipulations ease the tightness she experiences in her lower back.  However, my theory is that she is addicted to the sound more than the actual feeling. I recently consulted a pediatrician about my daughter’s … Continue reading

Caution: Preschooler Ahead

I was a big, big kid. In fact, I was such a tall child that at nine years old, a neighbor down the street told me that I was too big to be trick-or-treating at Halloween, and that I should be ashamed of myself. By age twelve, I was 5 foot 8 and the boys in my class looked up at me in horror during square dancing class (yes, they make you take square dancing class in Canada). By the time I was fourteen, I swore that if anyone asked me if I played basketball again, I would scream and … Continue reading