They’re Baaack: Cher and Tina Turner

Ah, Cher and Tina Turner…does it get any more classic that that? These two ladies could sing and entertain circles around most performers today. And, what careers they have had! If the Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohans of the world want to know how to thrive and survive in the show business world, they could definitely take a few cues from these ladies. Both singers are now in their sixties (Cher is 61 and Tina is an amazing 68). Both have been taking it easy later – after all, after momentous careers, they both deserve it. But, this week, both … Continue reading

How Much Would You Pay For Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Cloak?

I love auctions, especially the ones that include movie and TV memorabilia. I could never afford to bid on any of the pieces, but I never tire of hearing what others are willing to shell out for a piece of Hollywood history. Recently, the company, Angels The Costumiers, hosted an auction in an effort to cut insurance costs. It put more than 400 movie, TV and theater costumes from its 1.5 million-piece collection on the block and opened the bidding. To say that the auction was a success would be an understatement. According to the company’s president, there was no … Continue reading

Award Show Secrets

Do you ever watch the award shows – the Golden Globes, the Academy Awards, etc. – and wonder how the women can look so effortlessly beautiful? They usually (note I said USUALLY) have spectacular gowns, flawless hair and makeup, and beautifully jeweled shoes. revealed that there are a few secrets used to help them look “naturally” beautiful. What kind of secrets to the stars possess that we mere mortals do not have access to? You probably know that many are offered their pick of designer gowns well in advance of the shows. After they pick the gown, most have … Continue reading

Auction Items Go For Big Bucks

Throughout the year, Michele and I have both blogged about several celebrity auctions. It just amazes me that people love to purchase things celebrities have owned. It does not seem to matter if it is a car, clothing, or something as simple as an ink pen, if someone popular enough owned it, chances are, someone out there wants to buy it! The newest big auction ticket item was the little black dress Audrey Hepburn wore in the 1961 hit Breakfast at Tiffany’s. In case you have not noticed, Audrey Hepburn, like Chanel suits, never seems to go out of style. … Continue reading

Steve McQueen Auction: Cool for Sale

Steve McQueen was and always will be the King of Cool. Even 26 years after his death (due to mesothelioma), he is still a pop culture icon. Almost as well known for his love of racing as his acting, Sheryl Crow paid homage to him in her song titled “Steve McQueen” – “Like Steve McQueen, All I need’s a fast machine.” Unfortunately, it was this love of racing that might have contributed to his premature death as he wore asbestos-insulated suits in the racecars. This past Saturday, November 11th, the famous Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles was the site … Continue reading

A Unique Auction

Libby and I have written a number of blogs on auctions. They seem to be in the news more and more these days. It has almost gotten to the point where not a day goes by that some celebrity isn’t making headlines for putting his or her personal items on the block. But, today’s auction blog is a bit different. It isn’t about stars making money from selling diamond rings or gowns worn to the Academy Awards; rather this auction blog is dedicated to the sale of far less glamorous items–Web addresses. Hundreds of Internet domain names were recently up … Continue reading

Cher’s Used Goods Bring In A Pretty Penny

I have written about celebrity auctions in previous blogs, so when I heard Cher was purging her home in preparation for a major two-day auction I wondered how successful it would be. Well, the results are in and personally I am floored by how much was raised. All tolled the star’s goods raked in a total of $3.5 million. My jaw dropped when I heard that the total surpassed the million-dollar mark. Typically, an auction that raises that more than $2 million is one that involves items from a multitude of celebrities or treasured good from famous individuals (Princess Diana, … Continue reading