Charlie Sheen Resurfaces

We haven’t heard much from the old Vatican Assassin lately, but in my opinion, love Charlie Sheen though I do, that has been a good thing. However, this week, he’s been back with a mellower, calmer vengeance. Sheen was a presenter at the 63rd Emmy Awards last Sunday night. As he walked on stage, you could almost hear Hollywood holding its breath. Would he make an idiot out of himself as he has so many times in the past year? Would he rant and rave at Chuck Lorre or someone from “Two and a Half Men?” Would he physically attack … Continue reading

Charlie Sheen’s Not Winning Anymore…or is He?

The Charlie Sheen crazy train continues to roll. In a previous blog, I had comment on how his first “My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is not an Option” tour show did not go well. Detroit booed him, but he tweaked the show a bit and Chicago loved him. The crowd even chanted “Detroit Sucks.” Then, he went to Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The actor was 30 minutes late, yet he still got a standing ovation upon arrival. But, somewhere along the way, things went wrong – terribly wrong. His 90 minute show ended up only lasting … Continue reading