Woman Attacks Bear to Save Dog

Bears are moving into cities I first saw this MSNBC story on Facebook where a friend of mine, also a dachshund owner like the woman in the article, linked to it and said she would have done the same thing. What’s the headline? “Alaska Woman Punches Bear in Face to Save her Tiny Dog.” Brooke Collins is 22 years old and lives in Juneau, Alaska. Her wildlife encounter didn’t occur when she was out camping or hiking in the wilderness, but rather in her own urban neighborhood. The Alaskan capital often sees bears prowling its streets for food, but they’ve … Continue reading

Are You Married to a Bad Dad?

To answer the question we must first define “bad.” Are we talking Alec Baldwin bad, Jon Gosselin bad, Mel Gibson bad or “Slumdog Millionaire” dad bad? Or, do you lump your child’s co-parent into the “bad” category due to his lack of participation in the daily upbringing of the child he clearly participated in conceiving? If you selected the latter, then you might be interested in the results of a new study that examines the gap between genders when it comes to “unpaid economy” or what us lay folk refer to as the daily grind of housework and childcare. The … Continue reading

Why I’m Blogging My Health

I’ve talked about “liveblogging” your health: writing openly and publicly about your health issues as they happen (or as close to “live” as possible). A writer friend of mine blogs his experiences with cancer — the good, the bad, and the ugly, no holds barred. Former Pets Blogger Courtney Mroch wrote very openly about her experiences with her cancerous “hitchhiker”. One advantage of liveblogging a health issue — or other important goings on in your life — is that lots of people can get the news quickly and easily. They can stay up to day with your progress without you … Continue reading

Bad Report Card Blues

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to hide a bad report card from your parents? Say the dog ate it? Claim it “accidentally” flew out of the school bus window? How about telling your mom that you were kidnapped after school by a man with a gun, who forced you into a car and drove you to the outskirts of town, but somehow you managed to escape through a car window, but in the ensuing chaos (namely the fact that you were running for your life) you forgot your backpack—-which housed your report card–in the kidnapper’s car. Ever use … Continue reading

Not So Bad Dad

With guys like Jon Gosselin, Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson and the jerk who poisoned his kids for cash, still living and breathing, it’s easy to see why dads get dissed a lot in the media. But, not all dads are bad. In fact, some are down right nice. Just ask Joe Girardi’s daughters. New York Yankees’ manager Joe Girardi is the father of three children, and knows the importance of keeping the bond between child and parent strong. Girardi made headlines recently when he modified rules that put restrictions on players’ kids having access to their dads in the clubhouse. … Continue reading

Myth: Hot Dogs Are Evil

The first time I bit into a hamburger while I was pregnant, I spit it out immediately. Suddenly, hamburger was the most repulsive taste on the planet. My real craving was for a juicy, all beef hot dog on a poppy seed bun. Unfortunately for my cravings, everyone told me that eating hot dogs while pregnant was basically the equivalent of feeding your infant mashed up french fries with arsenic. I think someone actually told me, “it could kill your baby!” A photo depicting Tori Spelling eating a hot dog while she was pregnant received a lot of heat. Could … Continue reading

Mommy Blog Bashers

Have you ever considered that you could be helping a struggling single mom of four young children make ends meet each time you click on a link that leads to her blog? Earlier this year Oprah Winfrey devoted an entire show to the “Secret Lives of Moms.” It featured an audience full of women drooling at the chance to discuss the joys and pitfalls associated with raising the next generation. A portion of the episode spoke to a “new” kind of motherhood, in which women no longer suffer in silence about negative parenting experiences, mistakes and lack of maternal instincts. … Continue reading

Boy Gets Revenge on “Bad Dad”

Subtitle: Pi*sing off kids comes with consequences. Here’s a story that may make you think twice about the way you treat your kids: UK resident William Ireland has so much disdain for his father that even when the elderly man died he couldn’t bury his hatred. Rather than let bygones be bygones, William cremated his old man, and then sold his father’s ashes on eBay. In the product description portion of the online auction site William wrote: “Here are the ashes of my father, Kenneth Ireland, an adulterer who left a wife, two children and just £17 in her pocket. … Continue reading

Bad Dads Strike Again: Father Poisons Kids for Cash

Here’s another one for you guys. And by guys I mean gals. And by gals I mean moms. Outraged moms let their fury fly via comments left on my previous blogs detailing the sick, twisted and demented doings of bad dads from coast-to-coast. However, before I share this latest loser with the group I should note that I am by no means a dad basher by trade. It’s just that these guys make it so easy. Their reprehensible actions are constantly making headlines, and frankly some of what they do is simply too outrageous not to address. In all fairness, … Continue reading

Bad Dad: Sick, Stupid or Just a Jerk

No, not the dad who spends more time, money and energy entertaining his girlfriend than his kid. I’m talking about Todd Marcum, the father who gives new meaning to the word “repulsive.” The Oregon father of four young children recently admitted to police that he regularly used an electronic dog collar to shock his children. So why would a grown man terrorize a 9,8,6, and 3-year-old with a device used to control animals? According to police, Marcum didn’t use the electronic dog collar as a form of punishment, or as a way to shock his kids into submission. Rather, arresting … Continue reading