Five Weird Pregnancy Symptoms

There are a number of weird, though perfectly normal, side effects to pregnancy that no one tells you about.  You might get all or none of these, and it could vary from one of your pregnancies to another. 1. Bloody Gums.  Early in the second trimester I began noticing a bit more blood than normal when I flossed.  I went to my routine dentist appointment, and the hygienist confirmed that yup, that’s just something that can happen when you’re pregnant.  Chalk this one down to hormones; they’re making your gums (and other parts) more inflamed than usual.  Pregnant women are … Continue reading

Shameless Savings

I love to shop.  Unfortunately, I don’t have the money to support this passion.  Consequently, I’m often put in a situation that’s all too familiar to parents:  kicking pride to the curb. Admit it; you’ve done some pretty gross things since becoming a parent.  Goodness knows I have learned to exercise an immeasurable amount of humility since giving birth.  For example, I never thought I would willingly stretch out my hands to catch another person’s vomit.  Ditto for plucking poop out of the tub with my bare hands.  I also never imagined I’d allow my shirt to be used as … Continue reading

Salmonella in Dog Food Infects Humans

Remember that giant Diamond Pet foods recall from earlier in the year? It stretched from December through May, and covered a staggering variety of pet foods. It wasn’t just that hundreds of specific bags of pet food were affected, but also that so many different brands of kibble were all infected. I thought the story was finally over in May when it seemed like we’d heard the last of the recalls. I’m not writing today to inform you that another recall has been announced, but to update the story. At the time although some dogs were reported as coming down … Continue reading

No Need to Fear

When I go through my day each day, I don’t feel a lot of fear. I am afraid to say that I don’t often think about the tragedy and sorrow that is going on in the world around me. Some days, I don’t even think a lot about what other people are doing that might be morally incorrupt. After all, I am a Mom to 3 small children. My days are full of the bare necessities. Cleaning, cooking, bathing, feeding, breaking up fights, and teaching my children…well, everything children need to be taught. But, some days, I stop and take … Continue reading

The Vacuum- My Nemesis

I may have mentioned a time or two that I really dislike vacuuming. I don’t know what it is but to me it’s the most pointless thing I do in my home. I know it ‘s not, I know vacuuming keeps the carpet clean and extends it’s life, but I don’t like it. Believe it or not I actually scrub my kitchen floor more often than I vacuum, and I do it on my hands and knees. There is no logic to my likes and dislikes. I kept telling myself it was the vacuum I disliked and not the actual … Continue reading

Less Control and More Influence

In my last blog I addressed the issue of control when your teen becomes an adult…you know, that “official” age of 18. My thoughts stem from a Dr. Phil episode where he said that once a child becomes 18 you can’t control them, you can only influence them. There does come a point in which control is no longer an option. Even if your young adult is still living at home, there may be some things in which you have to let go. However, the issue of influence becomes even bigger when they are out of your home. Some 18-year-olds … Continue reading

The Kitchen Saga, Part One

Our kitchen is sad. While the rest of our house was duly beautified when we moved in, we just didn’t have enough money to fix up the kitchen. It shows. Our kitchen has delighted us by spewing from the dishwasher the first week we moved in, having the range hood stop working the next week, and throwing various cupboard doors at us in the years after that. I vividly remember holding my baby daughter in one arm while balancing a cupboard door in the other, a door that had just come off in my hands due to dry rot. We’ll … Continue reading

Slow Down

Watching your child grow and become an adult it such a bittersweet time. Gone is the baby you used to snuggle and in her place a wonderful young adult. These are the days I thought would never come while buried under diapers, bottles and teething gel. It’s hard to picture the future when you are getting, at best, three hours of sleep a night. But somehow, without you even being aware, the time flies by and your babies are no longer babies. If there is anything good to be said about your babies growing up is that you get a … Continue reading

Easter Memories

Yesterday I enjoyed a wonderful Easter lunch with my mother and a great Easter dinner with my aunts, uncles, cousins, and others. As I ate my way through the day, I made a few connections between the things that I was eating and some stories from my family history. I have written these connections down in my family history notebook, so that some day I can share this “slice of family history” with my son. The first family history food story involves my mother’s meatballs and sauce. My mother served us meatballs and sauce for lunch. I knew that she … Continue reading

In Your Neighborhood

Do you ever walk around in your neighborhood on a nice warm evening, and think about the lives being lived inside? We never really knows what goes on behind closed doors. I was thinking about my neighborhood, and my ward that I live in. It’s a small ward as I’ve mentioned before, and it is surprising how small it is considering that I live in Salt Lake, not too far from temple square. But, many families have moved to the suburbs, and I guess they don’t like the city life as much. But, as I’ve been in this ward, I … Continue reading