Morgan Spurlock Spends “30 Days” in a Coal Mine

I have blogged before about my love for the FX Network reality show “30 Days.” This show is done by filmmaker Morgan Spurlock (the guy that did SuperSize Me and it puts one person in another person’s shoes for 30 days. Sometimes it is a random person and sometimes it is Morgan living the other life for 30 days. Last night was the season premiere and Morgan decided to work 30 days as a coal miner. After all, Morgan is from West Virginia – a state known for its coal mining. And, I have to admit, before I watched the … Continue reading

30 Days with Morgan Spurlock

Don’t be surprised if you’ve never heard of Morgan Spurlock. Until about three years ago, many had not heard of this director/screenwriter. But in 2004, he filmed a great documentary called Super Size Me. It was a film that starred Morgan setting out on what seemed like a simple mission – eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at McDonalds for 30 days. I am sure this is something many of us can relate to. I know there have been busy, crazy days when I ate McDonalds or some type of fast food three times in one day. The premise was to … Continue reading

McDonald’s Changes Its Menu

A friend of mine is on a diet. The doctor says his health is great, so maybe it is just a preventative thing, but he’s on the glycemic index diet. So, he’s watching carbs and calories. I’ve decided to try to lose the 30 pounds I’ve packed back on before it’s too late. After all, I turn 50 next year and I know that the older you are, the harder it is to lose weight. McDonald’s has no doubt played a part in my weight gain. Oh sure, Ronald McDonald didn’t hold me down and force the Big Macs down … Continue reading

Super Size Me…Not!

Although this movie was made in 2004, I didn’t see it until recently. It is the documentary, “Super Size Me.” Let me tell you, if you have a McDonald’s habit that you are trying to kick, all you have to do is watch this movie and I can almost guarantee you will lose your appetite for the fast-food chain. I did. In fact, I lost my appetite for a lot of things…that is, anything that is fatty. Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock decided to conduct an experiment in which he would only eat food from McDonalds for 30 days. He went into … Continue reading

Dancing Rabbit Eco-Village

This morning, I was revisiting one of my favorite shows – “30 Days.” It is done by documentarian Morgan Spurlock. He takes people and puts them in foreign environments for 30 days then films how they do with the experience. For example, a Christian lived with Muslims for 30 days and found out that in many ways, they were not different from himself. Today’s show focused on a place called Dancing Rabbit Eco-Village. “30 Days” took two people and dropped them off at a totally sustainable village in Missouri. Dancing Rabbit was started in 1997. The Dancing Rabbit Land Trust … Continue reading

Sundance Film Festival

The Sundance Film Festival kicked off today and celebrities from all over converged on the small Utah town of Park City. Robert Redford‘s independent film festival has launched many careers including that of Kevin Smith, Steven Soderbergh, Morgan Spurlock, Quentin Tarantino, and Paul Thomas Anderson. What films, stars, and directors will eyes be on this year? ’Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels of A Tribe Called Quest is generating a lot of buzz. The movie looked at the innovative group, what broke them up and keeps them divided today. John C. Reilly should be named the sweetheart of Sundance (and … Continue reading

The Best of the Worst Fast Food Breakfasts – Part 1

I will admit, part of my problem with weight is that I am a lazy cook. It is much easier to grab something on the go at McDonald’s than to cook a nutritious meal at home. This includes breakfast just as much as it does lunch and dinner. Yet, I also know how bad fast food can be. If you have ever seen the documentary Supersize Me, you know that too much fast food can raise your blood pressure, your cholesterol, and have other disastrous effects on your health. Of course, that documentary was an extreme – Morgan Spurlock ate … Continue reading

What is a Commune?

When I was a child in the ‘60s, I remember hearing about communes. Back then, at least in my household, communes were not looked upon favorably. I guess it wasn’t so much the idea behind it, but the fact that those darn counterculture hippies were living together and that just wasn’t the American way. Some communes, including that loosely defined by the Manson family, even became known as cults. Now that I look back, the idea of a commune seems pretty cool. A community of people living together, working the land for their food, and helping each other – how … Continue reading

White Roofs and Clean Coal Anyone?

Living green and helping the environment seems to be on everyone’s mind lately and President Obama is no different. Now, it seems that his Energy Secretary Steven Chu has a few ideas up his sleeve. Chu’s first idea is simple – paint roofs white to reflect sunlight. The idea was actually developed by Chu’s former colleagues at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Of the white roof idea, Chu said, “There’s a friend of mine, a colleague of mine, Art Rosenfeld, who’s pushing very hard for a geo-engineering we all believe will be completely benign, and that’s when you have a flat-top … Continue reading

Who is Michael Moore?

You may have seen some news about documentary filmmaker Michael Moore latest venture, Sicko, which explores the American health care system, including managed-care and pharmaceutical industries. If you don’t know who Michael Moore is, he is the filmmaker that is always out to stir up controversy. However, as conservative as I am, I often find that many of his observations are right on track. Michael grew up in Michigan in a time when most people worked in the auto business in some form. His mom was a secretary for General Motors and both his father and grandfather were GM autoworkers. … Continue reading